Group Therapy Options at Chicago Institute for Change

Current Groups

  • Christian Moresco, LPC

    This group is for all those who identify as male who are currently transitioning out of the collegiate setting and into the workforce. In this group, you will learn interpersonal skills that you can take with you back into your job, as well as process the difficulty that comes with leaving the highly social environment that is college.

    Who: Any male-identifying person who is transitioning out of college and into the workforce; group members can be up to 2 years into their first job

    Group objectives: Find healing in the universality of struggles, reduce feelings of isolation, and gain skills for navigating social situations

    Where: In-person at Chicago Minds (661 W Lake Street)

    When: Group meets weekly on Thursdays from 6:30pm – 7:30pm

    Price: $50-$60 per session

    Contact Christian at for more information!

  • Caitlin Shea, LPC

    Religious Trauma Healing is a group in which people can process religious trauma in a healing and supportive environment. Explore topics like purity culture, spirituality, gender, sexuality and self-trust in a space that encourages safe and dynamic community. This group is seeking to create not only a space in which to process and heal from religious trauma but also foster creativity and dynamic thinking to support participants in self-exploration.

    Who: Any person looking to heal from religious-based trauma

    Group objectives: Establish community support, process religious-based trauma, explore personal narratives through creativity, and connect with others through both similarities and differences

    Where: Virtual/online

    When: Group meets weekly on Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8pm

    Price: $50 - $60 per session

    Contact Caitlin at for more information!

  • Hallie Schwartz, LCPC

    The intent of this group is to provide a safe place for helping professionals to share feelings, professional difficulties, and information. This group is aimed at promoting solidarity, embracing humanness (it all belongs!), shifting away from perfectionism, and providing conscious community care for burnout. The group is broadly defined. It is flexible; flowing with the participants’ needs and interests and provides an opportunity to reduce feelings of isolation.

    The group is intentionally interdisciplinary and strives to foster authentic connection between helping professionals from different backgrounds. The world of helping professionals can feel so fragmented and this group creates a space meant to combat that fragmentation. On all levels, the philosophy behind this group is that well-being is the product of becoming integrated and whole.

    Who: Any Illinois-based helping professional

    Group Objectives: Foster a sense of solidarity, strengthen self-compassion, heal in community

    Where: Virtual/online

    When: Group meets on the first Tuesday of every month from 6:00pm-7:30pm

    Price: $50 per session

    Contact Hallie at for more information!

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